Larissa Sansour in The Brooklyn Rail

Almudena Escobar López, The Brooklyn Rail, July 14, 2017

The Brooklyn Rail reviews the Oberhausen International Short Film Festival in Germany, which devotes itself to the promotion of artistic freedom and excellence, taking risks for the sake of new cinema and its future. Sansour participated in the festival screening her earlier short films  Bethleham Bandolero (2005) and Sbara (2008) . Curator Nat Muller has spoken of the artist's earlier work in her catalog essay : "Sansour draws upon Western popular culture reframing the Palestinian experience in an attempt to escape the stereotypical image of the nation’s trauma."


The festival programme also featured Sansour's Sci-fi trilogy A Space Exodus (2009), Nation Estate (2012) and In the Future They Ate from the Finest Porcelain (2015), which Lopez describes, "explore the Palestinian limbo state by combining futuristic elements and historical fiction with concealed Palestinian cosmologies."